


We Strive to be A trusted Company.

Disclosure information

Publication Status

Date Simultaneous Subject Submitting person
2024-06-05 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2024-05-24 Decision on Debt Guarantee for Others (Voluntary Disclosure) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-05-02 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2024-04-22 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2024-03-28 Outcome of Annual Shareholders' Meeting KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-03-20 Submission of Audit Report KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-03-19 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2024-03-12 [Revised]Changes of 30% or More in Sales or Profits/Losses (15% or More in the Case of Large-sized Corporations) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-03-12 Decision on Calling Shareholders' Meeting KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-02-26 Changes of 30% or More in Sales or Profits/Losses (15% or More in the Case of Large-sized Corporations) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2024-01-08 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-12-22 Additional Listing(국내CB전환 및 주식의종류변경) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-11-09 [Revised]Decision on Cash Loan KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-05-18 Results of issuance (Voluntary Disclosure) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-05-17 [Revised]Decision on Paid-in Capital Increase KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-04-27 [Revised]Decision on Paid-in Capital Increase KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-03-30 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-03-30 Outcome of Annual Shareholders' Meeting KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-03-22 [Revised]Changes of 30% or More in Sales or Profits/Losses (15% or More in the Case of Large-sized Corporations) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-03-22 Submission of Audit Report KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-03-08 Decision on Calling Shareholders' Meeting KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-02-24 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-02-23 Changes of 30% or More in Sales or Profits/Losses (15% or More in the Case of Large-sized Corporations) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-02-14 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-02-02 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2023-01-18 [Revised]Decision on Paid-in Capital Increase KUKDONG CORPORATION
2023-01-18 Other Management Information(Voluntary Disclosure) KUKDONG CORPORATION
2022-12-27 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange
2022-12-09 [Revised]Decision on Paid-in Capital Increase KUKDONG CORPORATION
2022-12-06 Additional Listing(국내CB전환) The Korea Stock Exchange